About a week before you go to your first appointment with
Dr. Hulon Crayton, start preparing for your visit with this experienced Rheumatologist.
Do a self-assessment of the exact spots of your aches and pains, along with making notes as to any physical limitations these areas may cause you.
For instance, can you pick up things easily and carry them from one place to another?
Can you do basic chores around house?
Then, during your first visit, Dr. Crayton will be taking a full medical history, so you need to provide information regarding any family history of you condition.
In addition, he will need to know about surgical procedures you’ve undergone or allergies you may have.
It is also extremely helpful for you to
bring in ALL the medicine bottles you currently take, which includes over-the-counter pills, vitamins, as well as all prescriptions.
At The Arthritis and Infusion Center, a large portion of our very personalized service includes educating our patients.
By looking at your medicine bottles, it helps us make certain of the spelling of your meds, since many medicines
sound similar in pronunciation.
Plus, we need to know the directions other physicians have been giving you as to dosage, etc., so that we can make certain Dr. Crayton prescribes the correct treatment plan for you to follow.
Your healthcare is truly a team effort, and you are at the very
center of the team!
“Pain is not normal.
Let us help.”
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