Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Arthritis Tips for Daily Living # 4

Continuing our series regarding “Arthritis Tips for Daily Living,” Dr. Hulon Crayton is always looking for ways to ease the pain for his patients associated with the simplest of daily tasks. The Arthritis and Infusion Center found an article in Significant Living magazine by Dr. Rick Caracciolo, and have adapted a list of his suggestions regarding things to keep in mind AROUND THE HOUSE and IN THE CAR:

·      Many furniture manufacturers have made lift chairs that no longer look sterile and can ease the pressure on your joints when you have to get up.
·      For cleaning, use reaching tongs to pick up items and expandable dusters.
·      In the car, seatbelt pullers, gas-cap turners, and car-key adapters would be  helpful.
·      When doing household chores, consider electric scissors, pre-threaded needles, or gardening tools with large handles.
·      Use a voice-activated or large button phone, complete with a headset.

You may find other information that’s helpful from the National Institutes of Health or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, you may want to consider a subscription to ArthritisToday magazine, which covers other helpful hints to ease the pain of day-to-day living.

However, it’s vital that you find a doctor who really listens to you. Dr. Hulon Crayton has garnered a reputation for not only listening to his patients, but working in tandem with them to develop the most effective treatment plan available. Call us today to see how The Arthritis and Infusion Center can help make your life easier and more pain free!