Tuesday, March 6, 2012

National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Month

The Arthritis & Infusion Center would like to remind you that March is “National Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Month”.  Unfortunately, no one knows the exact cause of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).  There are many theories, which include that it may be tied to an Epstein-Barr or human herpes virus, although NO specific virus has been definitely identified to be the exact cause.  It has also been theorized that a faulty immune system is to blame.  Regardless, what we DO know is that the symptoms include extreme tiredness that can last for at least six months and are not relieved by bed rest.  Symptoms can be so severe that the person is not able to participate in various activities.  Although there are no specific tests to specifically diagnosis CFS, The Arthritis & Infusion Center has found that patients who present with the various symptoms also show abnormal results when given a brain MRI or when a white blood cell count is taken.  There are medications that tend to relieve the symptoms, and allow for a more normal lifestyle, so contact our office, because we want you to remember:  Pain is not normal!  Let us help!
www.drcrayton.net or 873-6748.

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