Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Five Tips for the Prevention of Osteoporosis

Since May is National Osteoporosis Prevention Month, Dr. Hulon Crayton of The Arthritis and Infusion Center would like to remind people to be mindful of five (5) important steps to help prevent Osteoporosis: 

1)                 First and foremost, early detection is always key to disease prevention.  Actually, Osteoporosis is relatively easy to diagnose. Thanks to advanced technology, available in Dr. Crayton’s office, a bone density scan can quickly detect the loss of bone mass in a person’s body. This bone loss means that a person’s bones become more fragile and are more likely to break.

According to the Florida Department of Health, Osteoporosis is often called the “silent disease”, because there are often no symptoms until a fracture occurs. This website is an excellent resource for health information: The remaining ways to prevent osteoporosis involve lifestyle changes that include: 

2)                  Eating foods high in calcium
3)                  Getting plenty of exercise
4)                  Not smoking, and
5)                  Limit alcohol use 

However, genetics also factor into this disease. Taking supplements, like Vitamin D and Calcium, is something to consider as well. However, be certain to discuss with Dr. Crayton any medications you are taking and when you should add supplements to your diet. 

When one realizes that an estimated 44 million men and women, aged 50 and older, will be diagnosed with Osteoporosis this year alone … isn’t it time you contacted Dr. Crayton? 

Dr. Crayton always reminds his patients that any pain is not normal. The Arthritis and Infusion Center can help! Why not call them … today!  873-6748 … or